Bringing Reading Schools Closer Together

Will NLG recruitment restart after years of being on hold?

Yesterday the DfE published the results of its NLG advisory group, which was formed earlier this year, more than 2 years after recruitment was suspended by the department.  A separate advisory group on the future of NLEs published its recommendations in February, with no sign of any implementation yet, so it looks as though it will be a while until we discover if anything will actually happen…

Schools Week have published details of the new eligibility criteria.  Do you think that you would be eligible?  Would you consider applying?

The RGA believe that we have many experienced governors in Reading, who would definitely qualify to be NLGs, but as there has been little action from the DfE for some time, we are in the process of exploring an accreditation scheme for local governors to be recognised for their expertise.  If you would be interested in contributing to this, please get in touch with us here.