Whilst it is indisputably important to receive regular training from educational experts, we find that facilitating events where governors can also talk with each other to share best practice, consult on problematic issues, or even buddy together, is just as valuable to school governors. The RGA has formed ‘Networks’ to drive improvement in these key areas.
We feel that online training events are more compatible with ‘talking heads’ rather than group discussion, and over the last 2 years most governor training has moved and stayed online. We believe that governors benefit greatly from meeting to share experiences, but in a less formal manner, and so our offer of in-person events is intended to complement local and national formal training. Our network meetings will not have any agenda or pre-reading, but are intended as discussion opportunities, facilitated by experienced colleagues.
This year the RGA is changing its offer for members by returning to the focus of the Three Core Principles of school governance, rather than the previous focus on specialist roles. We are folding our previous CVCC, Safeguarding, Inclusion and New Governor networks into the following new structure:
For all governors and clerks, especially those with specialist roles such as Chair, Safeguarding, SEND etc.:
- Hear and discuss the latest updates in education and how they affect governance.
- Discuss and question the issues covered in training from other providers, focussing on what you do next.
- Group work will focus on priority topics raised by members, covering topics which are pertinent to strategy, vision and ethos.
For all governors and clerks:
- Hear and discuss the experiences of other governors, for example on their recent OFSTED inspection, and how they plan and conduct business.
- Discuss and question the issues covered in training from other providers, focussing on what you do next.
- Group work will focus on priority topics raised by members, covering topics which are pertinent to how to challenge senior leaders effectively.
For all governors and clerks:
- Hear and discuss an updates regarding funding or statutory responsibilities.
- Review upcoming statutory governor duties in the financial cycle.
- Discuss and question the issues covered in training from other providers, focussing on what you do next.
- Group work will focus on priority topics raised by members, covering topics which are pertinent to how to monitor finances and value for money effectively.
For all clerks only:
- Hear and discuss the experiences of other clerks and how they plan and conduct business.
- Discuss and question the issues covered in training from other providers, focussing on what you do next.
- Group work will focus on priority topics raised by members, covering topics which are pertinent to effective clerking.
Your desired topics will be sought when you book a place for these events. All networks meet three times a year, and are advertised on our events page. Please make sure that you keep us updated with any changes to these governor role holders at your school.