Bringing Reading Schools Closer Together

AI – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Presentation from Professor Dan Remenyi

AI – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Presentation from Professor Dan Remenyi 🗓 🗺

Scheduled Events News This year's forthcoming events
61-63 Bath Rd, Reading RG30 2BB Map

Tuesday 23rd April 2024


The RGA is delighted to announce our next event to be held in person at The Wren school from 6pm on Tuesday 23rd April. ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ reviews current thinking on a variety of user-related issues including the Safety of Gen AI (or AI-Chatbots). The Good aspects of the technology refer to how it will benefit both individuals and society; the Bad aspects relate to the mistakes which the technology commonly makes; and the Ugly refers to the use of the technology in the hands of malfeasants or malicious actors.

Professor Dan Remenyi has had a special interest in AI for many decades and has closely watched how the technology has developed and been employed in various business, industrial and educational applications. Since the arrival of AI-Chatbots, or GenAI, he has focused on researching their uses and abuses. For more than three decades, he has taught ICT management at various universities, authored or co-authored more than 30 books and some 50 academically refereed papers with some books translated into Chinese, Japanese and Romanian.

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