Bringing Reading Schools Closer Together

LA Advice to Schools on Re-opening

The message below has been sent to school leaders in Reading today…

Dear colleague,

We have been asked to communicate with all Reading maintained schools head teachers by the chief executive of Reading Borough Council, Peter Sloman after discussion with the Council Leader, Cllr Jason Brock.

The Council is aware that this is a very demanding and troubling time for Head Teachers and their staff.  Currently whether there is a general mandate to schools to open next week or not is a matter for central government and specifically the Secretary of State for Education.  The Secretary of State has determined that schools in London will not open on Monday this week, but at the time of writing has not made a further determination impacting on schools in Reading.  Without such a decision you are able to open your school in line with national guidance.

We are aware there are issues at a local school level which will determine whether opening your school is practical and can be achieved in a safe way.  The Council is of the view that it is for Head Teachers to make that local decision and wants you to know that the Council will back schools whatever the local decision you take.  Our public health staff and health and safety team (David Munday and Robin Pringle, respectively) stand ready to provide advice or information from 4 January as far as we can. David can be contacted on [email protected] and Robin on [email protected]

We expect the national government advice will be updated and any instruction issued by central government will be followed, but as of now, I hope this email reassures you the Council will stand behind any decision you take.

Kate Reynolds, Director of Education, will be returning to work on 4 January and will be here to support you through this rapidly evolving situation. Please do not hesitate to contact her if she can be of help.


Best wishes,

Deborah Glassbrook

Director of Children’s Services

Prof Dr Kate Reynolds

Director of Education, Brighter Futures for Children